UAE one of the World’s Safest and Preferred Healthcare Destinations strengthens its Care Delivery System.

StratMed is one of the largest data-driven, healthcare performance improvement companies. It is unlocking the value of Planned Consumption and Supply Chain Management for large hospital chains in Asia. Having built one of the largest and fastest growing healthcare demand and supply aggregation networks, StratMed is now expanding its presence in UAE.
This startup is bringing down supply chain costs for healthcare industry

The COVID-19 pandemic has helped us identify the gaps in the Indian healthcare system, especially in the supply-chain infrastructure space. Hyderabad-based health group purchase orgnisation StratMed is looking to solve this problem by building a large-scale supplier and buyer aggregation platform. Founded in 2019 by Dr Sameer Ahmed Khan, Nishant Gopinathan, and Dr Vicky Kothari, StratMed aggregates industry […]
StratMed Partners with India’s Key Hospital Chains to bring down Healthcare Supply Chain Costs

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